A daily dose of sunbeam sweetness that focuses on the beautiful and precious gifts found in each day.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Thanks Erin! :) I need to keep reminding myself of the 'mud puddles' lesson!

I have tried to comment several times in the comments section of my mud puddle post; but something isn't working right. ugh. I am so not good with change.

In new news, we are going to be staying put in our home for now and hopefully I'll be able to include a wonderful update soon. For now, all prayer is most welcome. :)

My favorite things today: the giggles of my kids; C. helping to look after his sisters and remembering how he did B.'s hair for church yesterday (putting every single hair clip and doo-dad into it and then spraying it with his 'Monkey Farts' room mist... it was a sight to behold and smell! lol!) (and I was running late for church and didn't stop and take a picture before taking everything out! I wish I would have!); the blue jays that seem to be everywhere right now; Brinkley (our puppy we got at the end of August) and how he has added fun and laughter and life to our family; cuddles and hugs with A.; chili cookoff with friends for supper and how we decided that if we just mixed our two chilis together - we'd have the perfect tasting chili - so that's what we did; spending time reading with my husband and dreaming about the future together... these are just a few of my favorite things today.

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