A daily dose of sunbeam sweetness that focuses on the beautiful and precious gifts found in each day.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

green moss growing on tree trunks; the sound of water trickeling as it makes it way to the lake, bird song, the wind rushing through the thick branches of the old fir trees; my children's smiles; my husband's hugs; the helping hands of a friend; ... these are a few of my favorite things today.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

poor neglected blog

have you missed me? :) I've been enjoying the beautiful sunshine lately and also enjoying the last snowstorms of the Spring... my husband told me that he wants to pack our winter gear up and I told him to wait until the middle of May at least. ;) I'm thinking that we're not quite done with winter yet... perhaps I'll be wrong. I'm sure that there are a few who live close by who hope that I am!

I've been walking lots since February and it's finally paying off. I'm enjoying getting out and though my body is so terribly out of shape that I have kinks and cramps and cracks and gimps, I'm still carrying on.

My favorite things today: song birds and winter birds and returning birds like geese soaring in the wind or chattering wildly in the trees; seeing the tips of trees change colour in preparation for budding leaves; sunshine; melting snow that trickles down the ditches in little waterfalls that bubble and gurgle their way to the lake; running shoes; clean water to drink and wash with; buying crackers for a really good price; singing a lullabye to A. and having her want to be held in my arms just like when she was a baby and we rocked and swayed with her yet-chubby arms holding and hugging me; watching my children play together so well; holding hands with my husband with his purr-fect scruffy-clean look that I find attractive; thinking about my mother's visit this next week and what meals to make and how to celebrate her (much belated) birthday while she's here...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

walking in the sunshine; melting snow; setting up the patio set and eating lunch outside in a t-shirt (still with snow piled up all around!); watching my kids play so well together; cuddles with A.; C. coming to sit on my lap still; B. getting all 'boo-tiful' and 'pwetty' in her dress-up clothes; my husband making supper; my meeting with other pw's; friends... these are a few of my favorite things today.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

melting snow, throwing snowballs at my husband and son, our church family, berries, the warmth of the fire, high fibre cereal that actually tastes good (Kashi), tea with cream and honey or sugar, doing my daughters hair for church, my new pink eyeshadow (takes me back to high school), private jokes with my husband, cuddles and kisses with my girls and son, God's Word ... these are a few of my favorite things today.