A daily dose of sunbeam sweetness that focuses on the beautiful and precious gifts found in each day.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

...the way you look tonight...

A week without my husband at home is just one week too long. So in my loneliness tonight, I'll just make a list of my favorite things about my wonderful husband...

the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles; when he twists his wedding band while he preaches; when he vacuums and mops the floors before we have company; when he plays tickle with our children; his hugs and kisses; when he whispers sweet somethings into my ear; laughing with him; dancing with him in our living room before/during/after supper while our children watch us from the dining room; he still opens doors for me; his prayers; his gentleness; his brokenness which keeps his heart tender and humble; his fabulous biceps; how he makes our bed up nearly every morning while I'm in the shower; he can cook a meal and makes better tortillas than me; how he usually folds and puts away the laundry mountains; he never, ever complains when I'm running late and he's got the kids buckled up waiting for me in the vehicle but instead, before driving, he looks at me, smiles, and says, "You look beautiful, my sweet princess." ... these are but a very few of my favorite things about my husband tonight.