A daily dose of sunbeam sweetness that focuses on the beautiful and precious gifts found in each day.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

poor neglected blog

have you missed me? :) I've been enjoying the beautiful sunshine lately and also enjoying the last snowstorms of the Spring... my husband told me that he wants to pack our winter gear up and I told him to wait until the middle of May at least. ;) I'm thinking that we're not quite done with winter yet... perhaps I'll be wrong. I'm sure that there are a few who live close by who hope that I am!

I've been walking lots since February and it's finally paying off. I'm enjoying getting out and though my body is so terribly out of shape that I have kinks and cramps and cracks and gimps, I'm still carrying on.

My favorite things today: song birds and winter birds and returning birds like geese soaring in the wind or chattering wildly in the trees; seeing the tips of trees change colour in preparation for budding leaves; sunshine; melting snow that trickles down the ditches in little waterfalls that bubble and gurgle their way to the lake; running shoes; clean water to drink and wash with; buying crackers for a really good price; singing a lullabye to A. and having her want to be held in my arms just like when she was a baby and we rocked and swayed with her yet-chubby arms holding and hugging me; watching my children play together so well; holding hands with my husband with his purr-fect scruffy-clean look that I find attractive; thinking about my mother's visit this next week and what meals to make and how to celebrate her (much belated) birthday while she's here...

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